Next Level Wellness and Recovery Centre

Massage Services:
Yes We are Open
Equipment Services:
Yes We are Open
Privacy Policy

The Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center, associated entities are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center manages the personal information that we collect, use and disclose and how to contact us if you have any questions regarding the management of your personal information.

This Privacy Policy does not extend to any personal information collected or held by Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center in relation to its employees.

Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center is required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) (subject to the other provisions of the Privacy Act). The APP’s regulate the manner in which personal information is handled, from collection, to use and disclosure, storage, accessibility and disposal. Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center is also required to comply with the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (Spam Act) and the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth) (Do Not Call Register Act)

What is Personal Information?

‘Personal information’ is any information or an opinion, in any form and whether true or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable from the information or opinion ascertained. Examples include an individual’s name, address, contact number and email address.

Special provisions apply to the collection of personal information which is defined as sensitive information. Sensitive information includes the collection of Health Information for use by a Health Service.

What is Health Information?

‘Health Information’ is defined to be:

Information or an opinion, that is also personal information, about:
Other personal information collected to provide, or in providing, a health service.

Examples of Health Information Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center may collect include:

Clinical notes of an individual’s symptoms, diagnosis and the treatment given.
Professional reports and test results
Appointment and billing details
Prescriptions and other pharmaceutical purchases
An individual’s healthcare identifier when it is collected to provide a health service.
Any other personal information (such as information about an individual’s race, sexuality, religion, date of birth, gender) reasonably necessary to provide a health service.

What is a Health Service?

‘Health Service’ is defined to mean:

An activity performed in relation to an individual that is intended or claimed (expressly or otherwise) by the individual or the person performing it:

The Privacy Act applies to all organisations that provide a health service, including Allied Health professionals. NEXT LEVEL WELLNESS AND RECOVERY CENTER will only handle the minimum amount of health information reasonably necessary to provide the required health service.

Collection of Personal Information

To the extent required by the Privacy Act:

Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will not collect personal information about you unless that information is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.
Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will collect personal information only by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive manner.

When Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center collects personal information directly from you, we will take reasonable steps at or before the time of collection to ensure that you are aware of the purposes of collection, any other organisations (or types of organisations) to which we would usually disclose information of that kind, detail on how you access the information and how to contact us.

Use and Disclosure of Personal and Health Information by Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center

The personal information you provide to Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will be collected for the primary purpose of providing high quality health care. If Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center uses or discloses your personal and/or health information for a purpose (secondary purpose) other than the main reason for which it was originally collected (primary purpose), to the extent required by the Privacy Act, we will ensure that:

The secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose (and directly related in the case of sensitive information) and you would reasonably expect that Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center would use or disclose your information in that way;
You have consented to the use and disclosure of your personal and/or health information for the secondary purpose.

Where required, personal and/or health information will be disclosed as required or authorized by or under law or as otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act.

Why does Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center collect Personal and Health Information?

Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center collects personal and/or health information for a range of purposes including:

The provision of high quality health care
To administer accounts and process payments
To communicate with you regarding any issues affecting your treatment
Provide information on services and benefits available to Clients
To notify Clients of promotions and events
To use for research purposes, case conferences, in study groups and at seminars (please note in these instances, all personal information will be de-identified).

From time to time, Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will contact its Clients and non-Clients whose personal information has been collected for a range of reasons including:

Appointment Reminders
Appointment Follow Ups
Marketing and promotional material about new products, services or special offers.
Periodic Newsletters
Practice Updates
To provide you with information about the current and future benefits of being a Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center client.
Market research or surveys to improve our products and services.

You can let us know at any time if you do not wish to be contacted for any of these purposes. If you originally provide consent, your consent will remain current until you advise us otherwise.

How might we contact you?

We might contact you in a number of ways including:

Telephone Call


We will not send you any commercial electronic messages such as SMS’s or emails unless this is permitted by the Spam Act. Any commercial electronic message that we send will identify Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center as the sender and will include our contact details. The message will also provide an unsubscribe facility. If you do not wish to receive commercial electronic messages from us, please let us know.

Do Not Call Register

We will not call you on a number listed on the Do Not Call Register unless this is permitted under the Do Not Call Register Act. If you do not wish us to call you on a particular number, please let us know.

When does Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center disclose Personal/Health Information to Third Parties?

In performing our functions and activities, we may need to disclose personal and/or health information to third parties. Third parties may include, where appropriate:

Other members of your treating team where necessary.
Other health care professionals, if in our judgement that is necessary in the context of your treatment.
Financial institutions for payment processing.
Government and other regulatory bodies such as Department of Veterans Affairs, Transport Accident bodies and Workers Compensation bodies.
Your employer, where required and permissible in relation to a work related injury.
Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center’s contracted service providers, including:

Data Quality and Security

To the extent required by the Privacy Act, Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will take reasonable steps to:

Make sure that the personal and health information we collect, use and disclose is complete, accurate and up to date.
Protect the personal and health information that we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
Destroy or permanently de-identify personal and health information that is no longer needed for any purpose that is permitted by the Privacy Act.


Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will generally provide individuals with the option of not identifying themselves when entering into transactions when it is lawful and practicable to do so.

Cross Border Disclosure of Personal and Health Information

If Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center transfers your personal and/or health information outside of Australia, Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center comply with the Privacy Act and take such steps as reasonable to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the requirements that relate to cross-border disclosure of personal information.

Access and Correction of your Personal and Health Information

Please contact Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center if you would like to access or correct the personal and/or health information that we hold about you. Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center will generally provide you with access to your personal and/or health information (although a fee may be imposed) and will take reasonable steps to amend any personal and/or health information that is incorrect.

In some circumstances, Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center may not permit access to your personal and/or health information, or may refuse to correct your information, in which case we will provide you with reasons for this decision.

Further Information

Please contact Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center if you have any queries about the personal information that Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center holds about you or the way that we handle that personal information.

Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center National Support Office

Attention: Info Systems
Address: Lower Level, 10 The Avenue, New Norfolk TAS 7140
Phone: 0409 343 213


Please contact Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center on the details above if you have any concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by Next Level Wellness and Recovery Center.

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